La cantante anunció haberse cambiado de 'look' decolorándose el cabello y afirmó que es una práctica dolorosa debido al blanqueador.
A través de su Twitter, Lady Gagacomentó: "¡Me estoy decolorando el cabello! El cuero cabelludo me quema como a un campeón. Una verdadera rubia ama el peróxido", comentó.
A pesar de que la decoloración capilar es un procedimiento un poco doloroso tal como dejó notar, Lady Gaga alentó a sus seguidoras a no temer a las agudas sensaciones que provocan este tipo de productos para lucir una cabellera al mejor estilo.
"Nota para las rubias decoloradas que se tiñen: no teman a la sensación punzante del tóner. Esperen cinco minutos y será tan doloroso que su cuero cabelludo se entumecerá", agregó Lady Gaga.
The singer announced to have changed from 'look' discolored hair and said it is a painful practice due to the bleach.
Through his Twitter, Lady Gaga said: "I'm bleach hair! The scalp burns me like a champion. True love peroxide blonde" he said.
Although hair is fading a bit painful procedure as was noticeable, Lady Gaga encouraged his followers not to fear the sharp sensations that cause these products to wear a hair in the style.
"Note for bleached blondes that stain, not fear of the toner stinging sensation. Wait five minutes and be so painful that your scalp is numb," said Lady Gaga.
Through his Twitter, Lady Gaga said: "I'm bleach hair! The scalp burns me like a champion. True love peroxide blonde" he said.
Although hair is fading a bit painful procedure as was noticeable, Lady Gaga encouraged his followers not to fear the sharp sensations that cause these products to wear a hair in the style.
"Note for bleached blondes that stain, not fear of the toner stinging sensation. Wait five minutes and be so painful that your scalp is numb," said Lady Gaga.
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